What You Need to Know About Sleep Deprivation and Micro Sleep

Contents hide What is microsleeping? Common signs associated with sleeping episodes Things you need to do in order to prevent microsleeping from interfering with your day-to-day activities Sleep deprivation Natural methods that will help you … Read more

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Last Updated: Sat, November 24, 2018

What is microsleeping?

This is a condition that happens to many people from time to time. The funny thing is that most people have no idea that the condition can be corrected. Microsleeping basically involves short, temporary sleeping episodes that happen in the course of the day. The condition happens even when an individual is awake. For you to be asleep, your brain has to decompress and shut down. When you experience microsleeping, your brain goes on offline. Your eyes might be open but you will not have an idea of what is happening in your surroundings. This means you don’t respond physically to your environment because your brain is asleep. Sleeping episodes during the day might be as a result of many issues. The common cause is sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation is normally due to sleep debt. When you don’t have the required amount of sleep at night, it creates a sleep debt and these sleep debts will accumulate and create sleep deprivation which will, in turn, be the major reason why you will experience sleeping episodes during the day.

Micro sleeping has no warnings; normally you will just experience signs and symptoms. Most episodes are between one second and 30 seconds long. Sometimes, they might extend to a minute or so. To some people, these sleeping episodes are more like light sleeping sessions but they have not qualified to be naps. The major reason why you can’t relate to the physical environment when having the episodes is that the brain is already asleep or shut down and so it cannot process things. You are probably wondering what might bring about the episodes. Insomnia and long naps have been shown to be responsible for this condition. Some key facts to remember include:

Common signs associated with sleeping episodes

The truth is that prevention is better than cure. The only way to protect yourself from a certain condition is if you know the warning signs and symptoms. Just like any disorder experienced by human beings, there are signs and symptoms that will indicate you are experiencing micro sleeping. Below are major symptoms that you need to be on the lookout for:

Things you need to do in order to prevent microsleeping from interfering with your day-to-day activities

Everyone has something they do during the day, whether it is a job or school or even just staying at home and being a caregiver. In order to get through this activities, you need to be focused and be able to concentrate. However, there are certain things that interfere with your performance. Sleep is among the things that will disrupt your day and sometimes, it can determine the outcome in terms of output. When you have had a good rest, you will be in a better position to deliver good results unlike when you have had little or no sleep. Below are some of the things you should do to avoid micro sleeping:

Sleep deprivation

This is a condition that is brought about the accumulation of sleep due to inadequate sleep at night. All in all, the major and most effective way of curing this condition is by ensuring you pay off your sleeping debt. This is done by getting enough sleep.

Major facts you need to know about sleeping deprivation.

Natural methods that will help you cure your sleep deprivation and sleep debt

The reality is that you sometimes give the body less rest and this is what is called sleep deprivation. Some will argue that they don’t deny the body the required amount of sleep because they want to. Instead, they will blame it on their occupations. Some people will carry their assignments or work home and work on it first before they go to sleep. This will affect the time you sleep. In addition, this will in one way or the other affect your internal clock. Sometimes, your boss will give you a deadline on a certain report and this will mean that you work late and deny your body the required sleep. This will also have an effect on your sleeping schedule. So in one way or the other, you will have experience sleep deprivation which will lead to sleep debt. The sleep debt is just basically the accumulation of sleep. So, how will you pay this sleep debt?  Below are simple ways you can do so and regain your normal sleep schedule;

Things you can do at home to help you avoid having sleep episodes during the day

Sleep episodes during the day that are short are referred to as micro sleeping. They are episodes that can be avoided. Below are natural methods that can help you do so:

Major tips you should consider using to help your sleep-deprived teenagers

Teenagers experience a lot of sleep episodes during their daily activities. However, this condition can be changed if you helped them in the following ways:

Sleep Related

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Co-founder of Counting Sheep and Sleepaholic

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